Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Feeling a Little Two Dimensional

 The end of 2012 and beginning of 2013 have been kind of a jerk to me so far.  I was having trouble finding the energy to be creative.  I mentioned this off hand to a friend and he thought doing work might be therapeutic.   So I pulled out some small slabs the other day and basically started "doodling".

He was right.  I had forgotten how meditative and relaxing it is simply focusing on the clay in front of me. 

I didn't want to have to plan anything for this first time doing work in two months.  (HOLY COW Two months?!?)

So I worked on some simple things.  Making flat things has the additional benefit of being easier to keep the cats from destroying if I work at my kitchen table.  Also - since it is winter, flat things are less likely to tumble and break if it is a little slippery on the way to the Arts Guild where the kiln is located.

Wall hangings, tiles, pendants, ornaments, and magnets -  that's what I ended up working on that day.  I was spent most of my time on the intricate decoration and carving rather than construction.  This was also great because I got to use some nifty new tools that my sisters gifted to me for my birthday!  Thank you, Melanie and Cherish!

As usual, the cats took an interest in whatever it was I was doing at the table.  I was using those little dessert cups you get from fancy sweets at Byerly's for water with my clay.  This confused Lion-o.  When he was a kitten, I would place those in his room and all over the house for him to  quench his little kitten thirst.  So, yeah, that came back to bite me in the ass.  I constantly had to shoo him away when he would try to drink from it every time I got distracted.  Perhaps I should just use a different dish for clay water.

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